
What is an attorney or appear date?

An attorney or appear date is a court date given by the court to provide a defendant time to hire a criminal defense attorney. The attorney or appear date requires…

Revocation and Modification of Probation

Revocation and modification of probation in Vermont is controlled by Vermont Rule of Criminal Procedure 32.1. The Rule outlines the procedure when a defendant has violated her probation. The Rule…

Exit Orders in Vermont DUI Investigations

DUIs in Vermont typically begin with a traffic stop. After the stop the law enforcement officer will ask or order you to exit your vehicle. You must comply with this order.…

Juvenile DUI in Vermont

Juvenile DUI in Vermont The Vermont legislature recently made juvenile court available up to age 22. In some counties, this means the criminal courts are sending DUIs to juvenile court…

Attorney Wellness in Vermont

Attorney wellness is a frequent topic of conversation at Vermont bar events. Awareness around attorney mental health has steadily gained over the last eleven years since I was first admitted…
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