Vermont DUIs – When are DUIs Most Common?

Vermont DUIs tend to peak around major Holidays.

During the holidays, the number of travelers on our nation’s roads peaks as friends and family gather to celebrate. As a result of holiday parties and gatherings, more drivers are impaired by alcohol, too. Enforcement of Vermont DUIs also increases during the holidays.

The “100 Deadliest Days” of summer, traffic fatalities over all the major summer holidays reported by statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Memorial Day led with an average of 312 fatal accidents per year over the period 2011 to 2015. The other big summer holidays were not far behind, Labor Day averaged 308 fatalities and the Fourth of July, 307. Teens accounted for nearly 10% of the fatalities.

Data Sources – NHTSA / CBS News

The most traveled holiday period of the year is Thanksgiving weekend, and DUI arrests are at their highest between Thanksgiving and the end of New Year’s weekend. Thanksgiving Eve is even referred to as “Black Wednesday,” as it may be the busiest night of the year for bars.

These statistics are excerpted from here.

If you are charged with a DUI during the holidays, contact the experienced Vermont DUI attorneys at Burke Law. We have 24/7 on call availability on weekends and holidays.

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How to File a Restraining Order in Vermont

In Vermont, you can apply for a “sexual assault or stalking protective order,” which is what is commonly referred to as a “Restraining Order.” The sexual assault or stalking protective order is an order from

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