Getting to Know Jess Burke

Jess Burke founded Burke Law in 2011 after returning to Vermont after practicing law in Virginia, Massachusetts and New Hampshire. Jess worked as a solo-practitioner until expanding the practice in 2013.

In 2017, she purchased and opened Burke Law’s second office location at 141 Palmer Court in Hartford, VT. Her practice continues to focus on Vermont criminal defense throughout the state.

Jess Burke has defended criminal cases in all fourteen Vermont counties, has argued before the full Vermont Supreme Court several times, and has successfully defended clients at jury trials throughout Vermont.

Fun Facts

  • Jess knew she wanted to become a lawyer from a young age. So young, in fact, that for her sixth birthday she asked her parents for an executive outfit, attaché case, and attorney at law business cards. Her parents obliged.
  • Her favorite activity outside of work is hiking in the woods with her golden retrievers. She is also an avid downhill skier, runner and yogini.
  • Jess loves to travel and has visited five continents.

For Ms. Burke’s full firm bio, click here. For more updates about Burke Law check our Facebook page.


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How to File a Restraining Order in Vermont

In Vermont, you can apply for a “sexual assault or stalking protective order,” which is what is commonly referred to as a “Restraining Order.” The sexual assault or stalking protective order is an order from

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